
If I want to change the name of the C program. What actions should I do?
最后更新 2 years ago

  1. Modify the name of the C program from user.c to ***.c. Ex:cipherlab.c
  2. Open the Z.BAT with notepad.
  3. Replace the user with the new name. Ex:cipherlab


    @echo off

    if exist user.map del user.map

    if exist user.abs del user.abs

    tulink user.lnk

    if exist user.abs goto step1

    echo ***** Link Error, Try Again *****

    goto end


    tuconv -Fs32 -o %user.SHX user.abs



    @echo off

    if exist cipherlab.map del cipherlab.map

    if exist cipherlab.abs del cipherlab.abs

    tulink cipherlab.lnk

    if exist cipherlab.abs goto step1

    echo ***** Link Error, Try Again *****

    goto end


    tuconv -Fs32 -o % cipherlab.SHX cipherlab.abs

  4. Open the LINK file with notepad. Change the name of *.rel. Ex: cipherlab.rel

    -lm -lg -ll

    user.relè cipherlab.rel





    /*User could provide suitable values*/

    /*to the following variables*/


    MainStackSize = 0x001000;

    HeapSize= 0x000100;

    MaxSysRamSize = 0x020000;
  5. Change the name of the LINK file as the new file name. Ex: cipherlab
    1. Open the cmd.exe. Input “Y newname.c”. Ex: Y cipherlab.c
    2. Input “Z”
    3. If you can see the diagram, you change the file name successfully.


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