Frequently Asked Question
How does 8 series terminal communicate with my Windows?
Last Updated about a month ago
1st Scenario -
- PC runs Windows.
- 8 Series runs AG.
- 8 Series terminal connects with PC via RS232 or Virtual COM.
For this case, please use Data_Read.exe or Remote Console to receive data from 8 series terminal,
because AG has its own data transmission protocol.
2nd Scenario -
- PC runs Windows.
- 8 Series runs AG.
- 8 Series terminal connects with PC via RS232 or Virtual COM.
- User wants to integrate data transmission in its own PC application.
For this case, there are two ways to achieve the purpose.
1. Please use Data_Read.exe. This utility can support command line mode.
2. Please contact with CipherLab Technical Support to get data transmission protocol for AG.
3rd Scenario -
- PC runs Windows.
- 8 Series runs customized application.
- 8 Series terminal connects with PC via RS232 or Virtual COM.
For this case, please build your own PC application and data transmission protocol to receive data
from terminal.
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