Frequently Asked Question
How to draw simple diagrams on 8 series terminals
Last Updated 3 months ago
The software developed by CipherLab called “BmpEdit” is required. This interface resembles the 8 series screen and pixel so you can do simple drawing like point, line, and rectangle etc.
- After downloading the BmpEdit, execute the file BmpEdit.exe
- A dialogue will jump out asking the width and height. This number represents the pixel; one pixel is represented by one square in the drawing.
(For 8200, the screen pixel is 160x160, but for the scrollbar, a smaller scale can be used, in this case we use W:24; H:160.) - You will now enter the EmpEdit interface.
The icons (from left to right):
(Status bar)- Open new file
- Open existing file
- Save file
- About
(Toolbar) - Point
- Line
- Rectangle
- Ellipse
- Text (font can be changed)
- Erase
(The tool functions are more or less similar to the Paint for Windows.)
- Open new file
- You can now draw the diagram or put text needed by the tools provided within the net-like background.
(Please be advised that the functions under Edit tab are not available.) - When you finish drawing, click Draw
- Select Source
- You can choose to convert the image to C Format or Basic Format from the drop down menu.
(Here we use C format) - Click COPY (It will then automatically copy the source code.)
- Paste the source code to the image2.c file (see the attached; please delete the existing image source code first)
- The key syntax to show the image in the .c file: void show_image (int left, int top, int width, int height, unsigned char *pat);
- left: the top left coordinate (x) of the rectangular area, which includes the diagram
- top: the top coordinate (y) of the rectangular area, which includes the diagram
- width: the width of the drawing area (counted in pixel)
- height: the height of the drawing area (counted in pixel)
(Please refer to the Figure 1 below for clarification.)
- left: the top left coordinate (x) of the rectangular area, which includes the diagram
Convert and download the .SHX file to the terminal and you should see the scrollbar appears