Frequently Asked Question

How to add a Web APP shortcut in APPLOCK?
Last Updated 6 months ago

If you are using a Web APP and you want to add a shortcut in APPLOCK,
please follow the instruction below or video to create the shortcut.

1. Open APPLOCK.
2. Login as an Admin.
3. Select "APPs Management"
4. Tap on " + " and select "Add APP".
5. Find Chrome Browserand top on it.
6. You will see Chrome has been added in "Allowed APPS"
7. Tap the Chrome icon.
8. If you only want to hide Chrome and only show the shortcut, please check
"Hide icon on APPLOCK Desktop" (Optional)
9. Tap "Add shortcut" and give the Title, URL and select "Webapp style"
10. Tap "Add"
11. If you only want to hide Chrome and only show the shortcut, please tap

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