Frequently Asked Question

How to Extract (Send) Data via Forge AG:
Last Updated 3 months ago

Physically ensure that you have:

8400 device
8400 cradle
Two USB cables to connect between PC and cradle, one is for data transfer and the other is for power. Ensure both are connected to the PC with working USB ports.

Download both Cipherlab Forge AG and SiliconLab VCOM Driver from our website provided in the link below.

Download Link:


The path for Forge AG application will be C:\CipherLab\Forge\Batch\8 Series after installing Forge Batch 8 Series Install download

DATA READ via Forge AG v2.02.0007:

The following will assist in extracting data into a txt file.

  1. Turn on device
  2. Press 1. Collect data
  3. Scan an item (Data_Read will not work unless there’s at least 1 data entry)
  4. Press either top blue keys to save data entry
  5. Press Esc
  6. Press 2. Upload
  7. Place the 8400 in the cradle (ensure cradle has two cables connected, one for power and one for data transfer)
  8. Open Forge AG
  9. Open "Transfer menu"
  10. Open "Direct Link Data Transfer"
  11. Set Comm Type: Cradle-IR
  12. Set COM port: (Open device manager on your PC and use the COM port in parenthesis assigned to Silicon Labs CP210x. Then right click on the driver and select Properties. Go to the Port Settings tab and change the Bits per second to 115200)

  1. Set Baud Rate: 115200

  1. Press start on the bottom left corner
  2. Your records will be received and bring up a prompt, press ok
  3. Your data will appear on a .txt file

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