Frequently Asked Question

The SOP for OCR license key activation
Last Updated about a month ago

SOP : 1. Partner purchases the OCR license => 2. Generate the activation key from the website => 3. Download the activation.txt file => 4. Transfer the ocr.key file to the device root

(.key file can include multiple licenses for multiple devices and be used for deployment without needing to split it)

How to Transfer the .key File to the Device

1. By Manual

Manually copy the .key file to the device root directory (Example path: This PC\RK36\Internal shared storage)

2. By ADC

Enable the “File Transfer” function

Transfer the .key file to the root directory (/) on the device


3.By ReMoCloud

  1. Generate ADC file => Navigate to ReMoCloud Profile CipherLab OEM Config Deploy from ZIP
  2. Go to ReMoCloud “Monitor” => Device => File Management => Upload (Device must keep online)

15/01/2025 Xiaohu

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