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How to Enroll CipherLab Android Devices in MobiControl Using a QR Code and JSON Code?
Last Updated about a month ago

Enroll Android Devices in MobiControl Using a QR Code and JSON Code

This document helps customers generate QR codes to aid in rapid device provisioning.

Related SOTI ONE Platform Products
SOTI MobiControl

Related Device OS
Android Classic, Android Enterprise

Requires an Android device with a camera (to scan QR codes).

Process Description
Enrolling Devices with QR code

  1. Generate an enrollment ID in MobiControl. Save the enrollment ID for later use in your QR code.
  2. Access the web page . Click the Free Text tab:
  1. Paste the following text into the Enter text to share here field. You have to change some data, such as the enrollment ID and the MobiControl version you want to use (or the token afw#mobicontrol which downloads the latest version):

"": true,
"": true,
"": {

In this example we are using the MobiControl device agent version 15.1.5 build 1049 but you can change this to target your desired agent version. The output looks like this:

  1. Factory reset a device and in the first welcome window tap the screen 7 times to enable the generic QR code reader on the device (which uses the device camera). You must download the reader after accessing a Wi-Fi network.
  2. When the device and reader are ready, scan the QR code and complete all of the guided steps to finish the enrollment.

Provisioning android devices using QR Codes

Enroll Android Devices in MobiControl Using a QR Code and JSON Code

How to find Enrollment ID on new SOTI WebConsole?

Getting Started With MobiControl: Android Enrollment

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