Frequently Asked Question

How to trigger the serial command (tethered scanners)
Last Updated 6 months ago

Please follows the steps below:

  1. Connect the scanner to the host computer via RS232
    Set up the RS-232 interface by scanning the following barcodes:
  2. image
  3. image
  4. image
  5. 3. Open HyperTerminal.exe on your PC.

    4.Name the file and find the correct COM port of the scanner.
    (You can find the COM port by checking the Control Panel → System → Device Manager)

    5.Set the baud rate at 9600

    6.Manually type #@//// into the HyperTerminal and press Enter

    7.If the command works, you should hear a beep.
    You can also set up other settings. For example, #@100207 will change the scan mode to Test Mode.

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