Frequently Asked Question

How to upgrade CipherLab Bluetooth Transponder Firmware?
Last Updated about a month ago

The instruction is to upgrade CipherLab Bluetooth Transponder Firmware.

1. Laptop or PC with Microsoft Windows 7 or later version.
2. Scanner
3. Bluetooth Transponder (3610, 3656 or 256x Base).
4. Progload.exe download tool.
5. Firmware .SHX file(s). It can be downloaded at CipherLab Website.
6. Install VCOM Driver on PC. SiliconLab VCOM and CDC VCOM. (Optional)

1. Connect scanner to PC or Laptop by RS232 or USB cable.

2. Scan the pairing barcode in the bottom or back side of the Bluetooth Transponder
make scanner and transponder connection.

3. Scan setting barcode below to configure scanner to use RS232.


4. If the scanner comes with USB cable, please make sure that the VCOM driver has
been installed. Then scan ONE of barcodes below to configure scanner interface to


USB VCOM (SiliconLab Driver)



5. Check COM Port number by Device Manager in Windows.

6. Scan the barcode below to set Bluetooth Transponder to firmware upgrading
mode. Bluetooth Transponder will show both LEDs in solid RED.


7. Execute ProgLoaf.exe on PC or Laptop and select port number and .SHX file to load.


8. The upgrading progress will take less than one minute. After upgrading success,
transponder Blue LED will become flash and scanner will reconnect to the
transponder and make 3 beeps.Delete FAQ

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