Frequently Asked Question

[1500] When using 1500P with an RS-232 cable, there is a scanning beep when the scanner reads a barcode, but no data shows up on the PC.*
Last Updated about a month ago

1500P supports cable auto-detection, and by default it uses the following settings for an RS-232 cable: 9600 bps, 8 bits, no parity, 1 stop bit, no flow control.
If your COM port utility does not use the above settings for RS-232 communication, then the data will not be sent.
You can use either of the following methods to turn off cable auto-detection:
1. Scan setting barcode inside the 1500P User Guide
(Enter Setup > Disable > Update)


2. Disable the setting in ScanMaster
Uncheck the “Cable auto-detection” checkbox on the Interface page of ScanMaster.


This function is not supported on 1500, so if you are using 1500P to replace 1500, you will need to disable

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