Frequently Asked Question

[150x/166x/250x/256x] How to add the control characters in the QR code and barcode?
Last Updated 6 months ago

There are 2 ways to make the control characters in the QR code.
- You may use Barcode Generator Software to make the control characters in the QR code, like NiceLable etc,.
* Please note that this recommendation could be a handy solution to meet your requirement, if only if your Barcode Generator Software supports control characters in the QR code.

- If the Barcode Generatore doesn't support control characters in the QR code, then please follow the procedures below by using the replace feature in ScanMaster.

For example, if you want to add tab between 123 and abc. (123[Tab]abc)
1. Please open ScanMaster, go to Format Editing, and put any symbol you would like to substitute to [HT] Tab in "Character Substitution" section.
2. Use any Barcode Generator to generate 123@abc
3. And you will get the result in 123 abc. (Since we have subs @ ---> Tab [HT])


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