Frequently Asked Question

[155x/166x] How to get 3656’ serial number if it lost the serial sticker?*
Last Updated about a month ago

1. A 3656 without serial number sticker.
2. A RS232 cable or an USB cable.
3. A PC with running HyperTerminal.
4. A power adapter for 3656.

Something to know before starting:
1. Please make sure that the firmware of 3656 is later than v1.08.
2. No matter what interface was set on 3656, when it is power on. It has only 3 seconds to receive serial command from a host.
3. Please check and confirm what interface was set on 3656. If the I/F is USB HID, please follow the steps in USB HID session. RS232 is another session.

Instruction: USB HID:
1. Install SiliconLab VCOM Driver on your PC first.
2. Open HyperTerminal on PC.
3. Open Device Manager and open “Ports (COM & LPT)” item.
4. Connect USB cable to 3656.
5. Connect USB cable to Host.
6. When Blue LED on 3656 is flashing at second time, then press CAPS LOCK or NUM LOCK five times in 3 seconds.
7. Wait for 3 ~ 5 seconds for USB device detecting and VCOM driver installation.
8. Check Device Manager the com port number.


9. Use HyperTerminal to open the com port and set port settings below, but NOT to click “Call” icon to establish connection.
Baud Rate: 115200, Data Bits: 8, Parity: None, Stop Bits: 1, Flow Control: None.


10. Unplug the USB cable from the host and plug it to the USB port again. Then do step 6 again.
11. When you see Device Manager shows the virtual com port, please click “Call” icon to connect 3656.
12. After HyterTerminal connected to 3656, you only have 3 seconds to Key-­‐in and send “Version” to HyperTerminal to get serial number.


1. Connect RS232 cable to 3656 and PC.
2. Open HyperTerminal on PC.
3. Use HyperTerminal to open the com port and give the settings you have done on the 3656 before, but NOT to click “Call” icon to establish connection.
4. Plug DC JACK in 3656.
5. Click “Call” icon to connect 3656.
6. After plug DC JACK to 3656, you have only 3 seconds to Key-­‐in and send “Version” to HyperTerminal to get serial number.


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