Frequently Asked Question

How to set roaming trigger in CipherLab Android devices?
Last Updated 6 months ago

In all of CipherLab Android devices, they support WiFi roaming trigger to enable
CipherLab Android devices to do roaming when WiFi signal strength is not good
or strong enough.

1. Please go to Settings.
2. Please select WiFi.
3. On the upper right corner of the screen, please tap on MENU or GEAR Icon.
4. If WiFi menu only comes with MENU button, please select "Advance".
5. Please set Roaming enable, WiFi trigger, Roaming Delta and scan interval
according to WiFi environment.

Roaming Enable: To enable roaming function

WiFi Trigger: To set the signal strength RSSI (in dBm) at which the radio scans
for an access point with a better signal strength. When scanning for a different
access point, the radio looks for one with a RSSI at the indicated roam delta dBm
level or stronger.

Roaming Delta: To set signal strength, RSSI level (in dBm) that the radio looks
for in a different access point (after the roaming trigger is met) before it attempts
to roam to thenew access point.

Roaming Scan Interval: To set amount of time a radio collects RSSI scan data
(after association or a roam scan) before it considers roaming to a different access

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