Frequently Asked Question

How to upgrade the OS image via QFIL tool for RS51
Last Updated 6 months ago

1. Please install the QPST kit first.
2. Make sure your RS51 is on power-off mode.
3. Press Volume up + Volume down + Power key at the same time until the device have vibration.
4. Device's screen will keep black.
5. Connect RS51 to the PC through snap-on Cable.
6. Check the device manager, there should be a Qualcomm QDLoader 9008 under COM Port menu. (It may take a minute for the device install the driver from internet automatically.)
7. Open QFIL Program in QPST kit.
8. Set QFIL with following setting:
Select Port: QDLoader 9008 Port
Select Build Type: Flat Build
Select Programmer: prog_emmc_firehose_8953_ddr.mbn
Load XML: rawprogram0_16G_split.xml + patch0.xml
9. Press the Configuration>FireHose configuration on the top of the window.
Select Reset After Download, and press OK.
10. Press Download to start upgrading. And the device will reboot after it finish.


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