Frequently Asked Question

Recovery mode for Android devices
Last Updated 6 months ago

Without PC tool or Android System, users can wipe user data / factory reset
on CipherLab Android devices. Recovery mode.

There are 2 different instructions for CipherLab Androids.

Instruction 1 (For RS30, RS31, RS50, RS51, RS35 and RK25):
1. Turn off CipherLab Android device.
2. Press VOLUME UP + POWER to turn on the device.
3. If you have menu as screen below, please press VOLUME UP
to select "Recover Mode", and then press VOLUME DOWN.

4. When a green robot shows up like the screen below, please press
POWER key first, and then press VOLUME UP.
Please release both keys simultaneously.
5. If you got success, CipherLab Android device will show Android Recovery
as screen below.

6. Please use VOLUME UP and VOLUME DOWN to select "Wipe data / factory

Note: In some devices, it may show menu below. Please select "Delete all user data"
by pressing ARROW UP key and DOWN key (for RK95 and 9700A), or VOLUME UP
and VOLUME DOWN (For RS30, RS31, RS50, RS51, RS35 and RK25).


7. Press POWER key to run it.
8. Use VOLUME UP and VOLUME DOWN to select "Yes" and press Power key.
9. Once data wipe has been completed, please use VOLUME UP and VOLUME
DOWN to select "Reboot system now"
10. Press POWER key to run reboot system.

Instruction 2 (For 9700A and RK95):
1. Turn off CipherLab Android device.
2. Press RIGHT SIDE TRIGGER + POWER to turn on the device.
3. (For 9700A) If you have menu as screen below, please press RIGHT SIDE TRIGGER
to select "Recover Mode", and then press LEFT SIDE TRIGGER


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